Terrorism and Tyranny Epigrams

On the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks…

Here are some epigrams from Terrorism & Tyranny: Trampling Freedom, Justice, and Peace to Rid the World of Evil (Palgrave, 2003):

Nothing happened on 9/11 that made the federal government more trustworthy.

The Patriot Act treats every citizen like a suspected terrorist and every federal agent like a proven angel.

The worse government fails, the less privacy citizens supposedly deserve.

There is no technological magic bullet that will make the government as smart as it is powerful.

The U.S. government is far more efficient at making enemies than at defending Americans.

Killing foreigners is no substitute for protecting Americans.

Perpetual war inevitably begets perpetual repression. It is impossible to destroy all alleged enemies of freedom everywhere without also destroying freedom in the United States.

A lie that is accepted by a sufficient number of ignorant voters becomes a political truth.

Citizens should distrust politicians who distrust freedom.

In the long run, people have more to fear from governments than from terrorists. Terrorists come and go, but power-hungry politicians will always be with us.

Habeas corpus is an insurance policy to prevent governments from going berserk.


4 Responses to Terrorism and Tyranny Epigrams

  1. Dirk Sabin September 12, 2011 at 3:44 pm #

    You forgot:
    When the citizen accepts any abridgment
    of Habeas corpus, he is no longer a citizen but simply a willing subject of the power structure Dejeur.

  2. Jim September 12, 2011 at 3:54 pm #

    Bravo! I’ll quote that if anybody knocks on my door after the cows come home.

  3. Christine Smith September 13, 2011 at 6:21 pm #

    Quoting your epigram above, Jim, “Citizens should distrust politicians who distrust freedom.” Well, by the very definition of being a politician, means they distrust freedom. All politicians are parasites upon the people.


  1. Too Bad for the Families of 9/11 Victims: Having to Have an Annual Funeral for Their Loved Ones, Year After Year After Year, To Please the State’s Need for Exploitation… » ReasonAndJest.com - September 12, 2011

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