Archive | October, 2011

The Most Dangerous Halloween Costume in Washington

  I expect that sheepskins are selling well on Capitol Hill again this year. I wonder if Hillary will get her specially-tailored costume from Libya or from Kosovo this year. Another great Sam Gross cartoon from the new issue of the New Yorker James Bovard

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Obama’s White House of Horrors: Execution Without Trial

  The New York Times had a perky cartoon today by Brian McFadden today on the pervasive fears across the ideological spectrum of Obama’s White House horrors. My hunch was that the cartoonist thought the fears were a laughing matter (here’s a link to the full-size cartoon in the Times). And people wonder why cartoonists […]

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Whittling on an Epigram List for WikiQuotes

Spurred by feedback from that Daily Bell interview, I whittled out a list of my favorite epigrams from books gone by and popped them onto a page on Wiki Quotes. I think this is the first time I added anything to a Wikipedia or WikiQuotes (at least as far as I can remember). I figure […]

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MP3 of Playing Whack-A-Federal-Mole on the Brian Wilson Show

WSPD’s Brian Wilson and I had a hoot yesterday flogging hell out of the Patriot Act and its noxious progeny. Dang, hard to believe this stupid act is 10 years old. It has almost outlived my idealism. You can listen to or download the show by clicking here brian-wilson-patriot-act-bash-10-27-2011

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Patriot Act: Tenth Anniversary of a Swindle

This is the tenth anniversary of the signing of the Patriot Act. Geez, I didn’t think that this scam would survive this long. But it has served the government well, so there have never been a shortage of apologists for this surveillance regime. After a certain number of years, even the most brazen frauds become […]

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About That Happy Ending in Iraq….

  The fairy tale narrative from much of the mainstream media over Obama’s Iraq announcement last week is ludicrous even by DC standards. The best retort to the prevailing hoopla is this great cartoon from the Washington Post’s Tom Toles James Bovard

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