TRIPLE HOOT! New York Times Op-Ed page has an advisor to murderous Bahrain Interior Ministry criticize Florida laws on use of force.
Reasonable folks can disagree on the “stand your ground” law – but…… Bahrain?????
This is like having a Taliban spokesman comment on Rick Santorum’s views on contraception.
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James Bovard
Great post, Jim. I suspect we’ll see more and more of these ironies as the empire grows at a small exponential rate over the next few years. The increasing numbers of little courtiers, multi-starred military types, and general governmental lackeys who have previously raised hell oversees return home to sort us out.
Incidentally, how often does one see the word “diplomat” these days? I know the concept of “diplomacy” is pretty much gone in D. C. these days. I just wondered whether such people who called that profession existed anymore. It’s getting harder and harder to tell the difference in the Pentagon and Hillary.