Cartoonist Tom Toles perfectly captures the latest Iraq fiasco. This is a joint Bush-Obama debacle – and proof that neither party can be trusted to intelligently intervene in the Middle East. But the pro-Iraq war crowd is still yelping for the U.S. to “fix” Syria….
Archive | May, 2015
“a sometimes libertarian blogger and self-described social analyst”
OK, so I need to be blogging more often. A Scout leader in Louisiana begins his response to my USA Today piece: “James Bovard, a sometimes libertarian blogger and self-described social analyst…” I have many vices but I have never described myself as a “social analyst.” I’m disappointed that he didn’t call me a “hooligan.” At the […]

USA TODAY: Boy Scouts Should Hang Tough
USA TODAY, May 12, 2015 Boy Scouts should stay tough, not pander to gender gap by James Bovard Scout leadership is turning Boy Scouts into kale — nutritious, but blech The Boy Scouts are once again reforming themselves into oblivion. With falling enrollment nationwide, the Scouts are desperate for good publicity. Their latest politically correct […]
Counterpunch: Will Vagina Voters Devour Democracy?
COUNTERPUNCH, MAY 12, 2015 Has Hillary Finally Found Her Brand? Will “Vagina Voters” Devour Democracy? by JAMES BOVARD Wear gloves on Election Day! “Fat-O-Sphere” author Kate Harding announced plans to “vote with my vagina” for Hillary Clinton. Harding said her voting was guided in part by her difficult menstrual cycles. I wonder who she would vote […]
Will Vagina Voters Devour Democracy?
Wear gloves on Election Day! “Fat-O-Sphere” author Kate Harding announced plans to “vote with my vagina” for Hillary Clinton. Harding said her voting was guided in part by her difficult menstrual cycles. I wonder who she would vote for if she was suffering from hemorrhoids. (Coincidentally, Mike Huckabee entered the presidential race this week.) According to […]
MP3 Baltimore Riots with Brian Wilson
Talk show legend Brian Wilson and I did a postmortem on the Baltimore Riots on his Libertas Media Project podcast today. I was amused by Brian’s opening riff – claiming that Public Policy Hooligan will soon be a made-for-TV movie that includes Buford Porchdog Mulcoskey as Bill Clinton and Trample the Wonder Rhino as Janet […]
Wild Idealists on Baltimore Streets
Lots of protestors marching in Baltimore today. It is good to see charges filed against the police involved in Freddie Gray’s death. But some of these protestors are wildly idealist. The t-shirt apparently says, “Most Kings get their Heads Cut Off.” It has been 40 years since a governor of Maryland was sent to prison, […]