Archive | May, 2016

Wall Street Journal: Our Shameful Peanut Subsidy Hammers Haiti

Wall Street Journal, May 26, 2016 A Subsidy as Shameful as They Come By James Bovard The U.S. has paid for a million pounds of peanuts it can’t use. Solution: Dump them on Haiti—causing a disaster for its farmers. The Obama administration’s plan to dump a million pounds of surplus peanuts into Haiti at no […]

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My CSPAN Washington Journal Interview on the War on Terror

Here’s the link for the  video of today’s CSPAN Washington Journal interview on our farcical War on Terror. Host Greta Brawner was great & the callers added spice. I appreciated the chance to talk about how the War on Terror illustrates Attention Deficit Democracy – our government run amok & trampling rights & liberties & the […]

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On CSPAN Washington Journal Wednesday 9:15 AM – Call Ins Welcome

I’m scheduled to be on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal on Wednesday, May 25, starting around 9:15 a.m. to roughly 10 a.m. (EDT).  I will be discussing the Reason article on our farcical $4 trillion War on Terror. The callers drive this program.  In the past, C-SPAN has sometimes offered different phone numbers for Republicans and Democrats to […]

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MP3 Thumping Obama’s Corruption Charade with Scott Horton

Talk show firebrand Scott Horton and I had a rowdy time thumping the hypocritical Obama-Kerry Charade against corruption – but only in foreign countries.  This podcast picks up where my USA Today oped left off. . While Secretary of State John Kerry whoops up the U.S. government devotion to anti-corruption, U.S. foreign aid continues bankrolling some of […]

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Reason: Our $4 Trillion Security Theater Farce

from the June issue of Reason magazine – The High Price of Security Theater The $4 trillion war on terror: Where did the money go? James Bovard Since 2001, the U.S. government has spent mind-boggling sums to purportedly keep the homeland safe. There was the $30 billion raise for the FBI that didn’t see 9/11 […]

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USA TODAY: Obama’s Anti-Corruption Fraud Around the World

USA TODAY Obama’s global anti-corruption cops should call Internal Affairs by James Bovard  Our Democratic president continues to fund global corruption just like the Republican before him. It looks like Hillary Clinton will too. The Obama administration wants Americans to believe that it is fiercely anti-corruption. “I’ve been shocked by the degree to which I […]

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TSA #iHateTheWait Video from Washington Post

Frustrated travelers caught in endless TSA lines are lashing the TSA with an #iHateToWait Twitter tag. The Washington Post created this excellent video on the backlash. Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson says his agency is “asking the public to have appropriate expectations when they arrive at the airport.” Ya, expect to miss your flight, Chump! […]

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