Archive | November, 2017

Happy 350th Birthday, Jonathan Swift!

Today is the 350th anniversary of the greatest English satirist, Jonathan Swift.   Folks who only know Gulliver’s Travel have missed a goldmine of glorious prose and devastating wit.  If you haven’t read “A Modest Proposal” since school days,  trust me – it is even better when not read under duress. His “Argument Against Abolishing Christianity” is […]

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Democracy versus Liberty

Trump’s presidency is helping Americans recognize that voting is no guarantee for individual liberty. This is perhaps the most frequently forgotten lesson in politics.  Many liberals were convinced that Obama’s election somehow made Americans’ constitutional rights safe, while many conservatives believed that Al Gore’s defeat in 2000 provided the same windfall.  In reality, no president can be […]

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My Cannoneering, Then and Now

The photo on the left is from a family visit to the Gettysburg battlefield in 1966.  The photo on the right is from this past weekend at the Fredericksburg, Va. battlefield.  The main difference is that I long since abandoned the Confederate cap for an “F Troop” style hat.   Plus, the beard.  Okay, and maybe […]

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TSA Turkey Shoot on the Ron Paul Report

I had fun thumping TSA today on the Ron Paul Report. Ron was an early & outspoken critic of the TSA, and he remains totally opposed to the agency’s claptrap. TSA continues to pointlessly grope and abuse vast numbers of Americans every day. An agency that never should have been created should be abolished ASAP. […]

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Will Trump Slash Federal Spending?

 Future of Freedom Foundation Will Trump Reduce Federal Spending? by James Bovard November 21, 2017 Donald Trump’s first proposed budget took a step towards draining the swamp in Washington. His proposal was the first one since the Reagan era in which a president has sought a wholesale demolition of boondoggles. On the other hand, Trump’s […]

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Daily Hell of Life in the Soviet Bloc

Mises Institute, November 20, 2017 The Daily Hell of Life in the Soviet Bloc by James Bovard This month is the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party’s seizure of power in Petrograd, Russia. British Guardian columnist Paul Mason recent declared that the Soviet revolution provided “a beacon to the rest of humanity, no matter how […]

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Trump Fans Rush to Defend TSA Abuses

My USA Today oped yesterday,  “Thanksgiving travel: Trump’s holiday gift is more invasive airport security,”  enraged many Trump supporters and got me tagged as a pussy snowflake, part of the “HATE Trump agenda,” libtard, moron,  brain dead, clown, left wing bigot, dopey liberal, leftist loon, and “leader of the idiots.”  It is surprising to see how […]

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