Scott Horton and I recently discussed my Hill article, “Time for the US to end democracy promotion flim-flams.” You can listen to the 32 minute show by clicking below – Part 1 Part 2

“The quest for a political mechanism to force
government to serve the people is the
modern search for the Holy Grail.”
Scott Horton and I recently discussed my Hill article, “Time for the US to end democracy promotion flim-flams.” You can listen to the 32 minute show by clicking below – Part 1 Part 2
The Mises Institute has now posted a full version of my speech from last week’s conference. Here we go…
Someone kindly posted my TSA cigar cutter story in a Facebook group for cigar fans. One guy responded, scoffing that I was as a “self-interest hack.” I pointed out that he should have written “self-interested hack.” So he denounced me as a “grammar nazi.” I kindly noted that “Nazi” should be capitalized. He retorted that that […]