Archive | November 27, 2018


My “Endless Optimism”?!? The “Gold Standard Podcast”

Ever since I scoffed at a few dubious Boy Scout good deeds decades ago, I’ve had the rep of being a cynic. But Alan Mosley, host of the Gold Standard Podcast, has discovered my “endless optimism.” Miracles never cease! We had lots of fun on this 40 minute interview, thumping coverups, federal atrocities, constitutional crimes, […]

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Podcast: The “Truth Will Out” Political Fairy Tale

“Truth will out” is the biggest political fairy tale. As an investigative journalist, I have fought federal agencies for decades to squeeze out the details of boondoggles and atrocities. Unfortunately, most government coverups succeed. But there is no such thing as retroactive self-government. As Attorney General Ramsey Clark declared in 1967, “Nothing so diminishes democracy […]

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