When I was researching The Fair Trade Fraud, I ran into a stone wall of secrecy surrounding the U.S. tariff code. There was no reason to treat the tariff on tobacco stems like confidential national security data. Here’s the story of how I solved those tariff code mysteries during a 1990 visit to the headquarters of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.
Audio clip below is excerpted from my Friday speech to the Ron Paul Institute’s Scholars Seminar. Thanks to Daniel McAdams for the invitation to speak there.

GATT headquarters. Photo via United Nations’ International Labor Organization (which used the building prior to GATT)
Bureaucrats truly love living their long, wasted lives in luxury.
You need to release this secret document as a pdf file on your website.
As much as I would enjoy scanning 500 pages…..