Archive | October 7, 2022

Screenshot 2022-10-07 at 12-21-24 USA Today's James Bovard

Bashing Covid Fraud & Lockdowns on Chicago Morning Answer Radio

I was on the Chicago Morning Answer AM560 Radio Show this morn with Dan Proft and Amy Jacobson, smacking around the Covid fraud stampede. The interview was spurred by my New York Post piece earlier this week. Amy Jacboson asked: Is there any chance that we will get any of the $600 billion stolen back?” […]

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Julian Assange and Our Impunity Democracy

Mises Institute, October 7, 2022 Julian Assange and Our Impunity Democracy by James Bovard On Saturday, protests supporting Julian Assange will occur around the world. In London, Assange supporters will link arms around the parliament building. Protests will also occur outside the Justice Department headquarters in Washington (I’ll be one of the speakers), D.C., and […]

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