Philly’s Rich Zeoli: Last Rights “blows my mind again and again”

Philadelphia radio host Rich Zeoli had me back on his show yesterday on WPHT Radio. We had plenty of hearty from political and bureaucratic follies.   Rich kindly tagged me as a “great voice for freedom” and said that my new book Last Rights: The Death of American Liberty  “blows my mind again and again…. I highly recommend this book. You have done an outstanding job. If you care about liberty or the constitution, or if you care about trying to rein in the government, the first thing we have to do is to learn about everything that they are doing and speak out forcefully against it. Get the book today!”

Rich described January 6 as “the high holy day of the Left” – a good phrase I hadn’t heard before.

We talked about the federal financial surveillance scheme targeting Bass Pro Shop hat buyers.  I commented”

“It would be absurd to trust the feds that they would reasonably use the information they have illegally seized.”

“It is bizarre that the feds think that so many Americans are guilty and need to be investigated. At the same time, the government are hiding almost all of its own crimes from us.”

Here is Rich’s summary of the show: “4 – Author Jim Bovard joins the program to discuss how the government is tracking your purchases to see if you’re a Domestic Violent Extremist, the closest thing they can classify regular everyday Americans as without calling you a terrorist. Why are they vilifying this group of people? How did Trump and other politicians get their offices undermined by their own FBI? How stupid are these news institutions and social media companies by calling censorship “content moderation?” And what is with the war against farmers? Jim goes on to explain that nobody should be trusting the government or politicians because their class is “odious” and a threat to We The People. Will anybody in our federal government be held accountable for their crimes, ever?”

Our interview starts around 44 minutes and continues to about one hour and four minutes on the audio file at this link:


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