Tag Archives | liberty

Screenshot 2024-06-16 at 20-28-32 James Bovard The Death of Liberty in America is Not Foreordained - YouTube

The Death of Liberty in America is Not Foreordained

Hearty thanks to Hrvoje Moric  and his Geopolitics and Empire podcast for an encore lap around the track. Hrvoje posted our April interview initially on a bevy of websites, including Rumble  LIST.   But because he was in what he labeled the DARPATube Digital Gulag, he did not post it on YouTube until this weekend.  Here […]

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Will Any ‘Last Rights’ Epigram Go to the Moon?

Will Any ‘Last Rights’ Epigram Go to the Moon? by James Bovard Epigrams are excellent propellants for seditious ideas. How far can one line go? Thirty years ago, I casually appended a sentence to the end of a paragraph in the final chapter of my book, Lost Rights: The Destruction of American Liberty. I was […]

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Trampling on a Symbol of Liberty

Trampling on a Symbol of Liberty by James Bovard Last August, 12-year-old Jaiden Rodriguez was kicked out of a public-school classroom in Colorado Springs after school officials decreed that the Gadsden flag patch on his backpack was “disruptive to the classroom environment.” Those Colorado officials didn’t know the meaning of “disruptive.” Thanks to savvy, thoughtful […]

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