Tag Archives | liberty


80th Anniversary of FDR’s Most Toxic Bosh

Today is the 80th anniversary of Franklin Roosevelt’s “economic bill of rights” speech.  Here are some pieces I wrote on that buncombe: RealClearHistory – January 6, 2023 – FDR’s Corrupt Concept of Freedom FDR’s Worst Perversion of Freedom: The “Four Freedoms” Speech Tags U.S. History 01/17/2019James Bovard  Mises Institute Franklin Roosevelt did more than any […]

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gardner goldsmith

Talking “Last Rights” with Gardner Goldsmith on the David Knight Show

Gardner Goldsmith kindly had me on the David Knight show today to talk about Last Rights. We had plenty of laughs amidst the smackdowns of politicians and bureaucrats. I appreciate Gard’s fervor for freedom and his disdain for tyranny of all stripes. Here’s the link to the Bitchute video version: https://www.bitchute.com/video/6EL7wNgs74Ep/ Here’s a link to […]

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Whooping Up “Last Rights” on the Scott Horton Show

12/12/23 Jim Bovard on the Death of American Liberty by Scott | Dec 14, 2023 | Interviews from the SCOTT HORTON SHOW PAGE Download Episode. Scott is joined by Jim Bovard to discuss his new book Last Rights: The Death of American Liberty. They talk about Bovard’s approach to writing, the Covid hysteria, how easily […]

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Screenshot 2023-12-10 at 11-54-03 Amazon.com Last Rights The Death of American Liberty 9798989624607 Bovard James Books

Last Rights is #1 New Release in Human Rights – Amazon

Amazon designated Last Rights: The Death of American Liberty as the #1 New Release in Human Rights.   Amazon previously tagged the book as the #1 New Release in Human Rights Law. I’ll wager a case of good beer that Last Rights has more comic relief than any other recent book on government outrages. First chapter […]

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My New Book: Last Rights: The Death of American Liberty

Amazon went live today with Last Rights: The Death of American Liberty.  The Kindle and paperback versions are available and the hardback should be stocked very soon.  You can read the first chapter free online at the Amazon link.  Here’s some info on the book: Americans today have “freedom” to be fleeced, harassed, surveilled, censored, […]

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Snowden and the Fight for American Privacy

Snowden and the Fight for American Privacy by James Bovard Edward Snowden did heroic service in awakening Americans to Washington ravishing their privacy. Snowden’s “reward” is to be banished in Russia without a snowball’s chance in hell of a fair trial if he returns to America. But as he courageously declared, “I would rather be […]

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