Tag Archives | liberty

Biden’s New War on Extremism (and Liberty)

Libertarian Institute, September 7, 2022 Biden’s New War on Extremism (and Liberty) by Jim Bovard President Joe Biden believes that hysterical denunciations of extremism will save the Democratic Party in the upcoming congressional midterms. Despite media portrayals of Biden as a good-natured moderate, the president has relied on sweeping castigations of opposition throughout his political […]

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Video – The Twenty Year Post-9/11 War on Liberty

Here’s my spiel on the “Twenty Year Post-9/11 War on Liberty” from last night’s The Future of Freedom Foundation broadcast. If you like seeing federal agencies get thrashed, you might enjoy this show. TSA, FBI, NSA, DHS – they all caught hell.  The video wraps up with excellent questions from the audience & plenty of […]

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cuomo victory covid poster

No Victory Lap for Governors Who Locked Down America

American Institute for Economic Research, July 14, 2021 No Victory Lap For Governors Who Locked Down America James Bovard There are no fact-checkers for victory laps. Last week, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo summarized his experience with the Covid-19 crisis: “Speaking for myself, it was a tremendous personal benefit.” Cuomo made that declaration in a […]

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Defining Freedom Down – Redefinindo a Liberdade – Portuguese

Thanks a lot to the Instituto Rothbard for translating my “Defining Freedom Down” into Portuguese – and for the great art work! Instituto Rothbard Redefinindo a liberdade Por James Bovard – A Grande Pandemia terá soltado as rédeas dos governos permanentemente em todo o mundo? A Covid-19 está permitindo que os políticos transformem a liberdade […]

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German Translation of my Never Ending Battle Between Leviathan and Liberty

Hearty thanks to the Ludwig von Mises Institut Deutschland for translating my piece, “The Never-Ending Battle between Leviathan and Liberty.” Folks who’ve heard me speak German are grateful the translation wasn’t done by me.  My fluency in that language is limited to a shoulder shrug followed by, “Mein Deutsch ist schlecht.” XXXXXXX Der niemals endende […]

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Zesty Interview with Leighton Smith, Top Podcast in New Zealand

Leighton Smith, a legendary radio host who now does the top podcast in New Zealand, interviewed me last Sunday.  Leighton describes himself as a libertarian conservative and he has long followed political battles both in his country and in the U.S.  I was amazed at how thoroughly Leighton prepped; he pulled up lines that I […]

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The Never-Ending Battle between Leviathan and Liberty

Mises Institute, March 18, 2021 The Never-Ending Battle between Leviathan and Liberty by  James Bovard The notion that Americans will always be free is part of the catechism that is force-fed to public school students. For hundreds of years, philosophers, politicians, and reformers have touted a law of history that assures the ultimate triumph of […]

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