The House of Representatives has been whipping up war fever this week – helping the Bush team create pretexts for nuking Iran. Bush has as much right to kill Iranians as I have to kill my neighbor’s dogs – i.e, not a whiff. If Bush does attack Iran, the carnage could make the bombing of […]
Author Archive | Jim
Ford’s Legacy: Lawless Government
The Future of Freedom Foundation today posted online my piece from the March 2007 Freedom Daily on Gerald Ford. And to think that I actually passed out a few leaflets for that guy in 1976, back before my conversion to Cynicism…… I still recall sitting in a bar in Blacksburg, watching a Ford-Carter debate with […]
LISTEN LIVE – On the “Power Hour” Radio Show 9 a.m. EASTERN Tuesday 6/19
I will be on the “Power Hour” tomorrow (6/19) at 9 a.m. Eastern with hosts Joyce Riley & Dave vonKleist. Joyce and Dave are hardliners, so it should be a rowdy show. You can Listen Live here. Their website is
Goyette! Radio LIVE Online – Monday 6/18 11:30 AM Eastern
I will be on the Charles Goyette show Monday (6/18) at 11:30 a.m. His producer, Dave Lucas, gave me a holler today, saying they wanted to get me on the air to thump for the paperback edition of Attention Deficit Democracy.Charles is one of the best libertarian hosts in the country; his political courage and humor […]
Finally! My Northwest Territory Breakthrough!
I’ll be on in Yellowknife at 7:35 a.m. Monday. Maybe even better, I’ll be on in Gander at 7:20 a.m. and in Whitehorse at 8:30 a.m. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation will be doing a series of 6 minute interviews with me Monday morn. Canada is adapting a U.S.-style “No Fly List.” The CBC wants me to […]
Bravo Judge Walton!
Will there actually be some justice rendered to a Bush administration top dog? Federal judge Reggie Walton ruled today that convicted felon Irving “Scooter” Libby must begin serving his prison sentence within the next several weeks. This will send the NeoConservatives and other pro-war types into Full Indignation/Rage. They will redouble the pressure on Bush to pardon […]
Paperback Attention Deficit Democracy Hits Stores This Week
The paperback version of Attention Deficit Democracy arrives in stores this week. Hmmm…. Re-reading that…. Maybe I should say, “According to credible sources, the paperback version of A.D.D. is scheduled to arrive in stores this week.” I have to be careful, since many people assume that I blindly trust anything a publisher says. I will be […]