Author Archive | Jim

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Bashing Warmongering and Secrecy on Chicago Radio with Shaun Thompson

Shaun Thompson and I had a rollicking chat today on Chicago’s The Answer AM 560.   We talked about the recent Supreme Court decision permitting the CIA to invoke “State Secrets” to keep its torture site in Poland secrecy.   The Presidential Records Act cover-up of presidential records took a beating, along with former presidents who got […]

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Will Congress Stampede America Into Another War?

As members of Congress engage in a virtue-signaling stampede towards further U.S. military intervention in the Ukraine-Russia war, here’s my caustic comments: Politicians are most dangerous when they are parading as saviors of humanity. — James Bovard (@JimBovard) March 16, 2022 Congress is untrustworthy on the Russia-Ukraine war. Remember that most members of Congress backed […]

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Lampooning Amtrak in the 1980s

Amtrak trended on Twitter yesterday as Team Biden hypes the president’s devotion to taking the train – thus proving that soaring gas prices should not bother patriotic Americans. After a bumbling train trip from New York to Washington, I wrote the following smackdown for the Detroit News and a few other publications. (New York City […]

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Supreme Court Betrays Justice to Protect Torturers

Mises Institute, March 12, 2021 The Supreme Court Uses Twisted Logic to Protect US Agents Committing Torture by James Bovard The Supreme Court declared last week that Americans have no right to learn the grisly details of CIA torture because the CIA has never formally confessed its crimes. The verdict symbolizes how the rule of […]

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cluster cluster-bombs

Thumping Blundering to War

Media elite believe that Americans will happily pay soaring gas prices to "virtue signal" their support for Ukraine. This is almost as foolhardy as Putin's invasion of Ukraine. — James Bovard (@JimBovard) March 8, 2022 This #NoFlyZoneOverUkraine protest would be more realistic with some massive blasts to rattle all the artists' teeth, symbolizing the risk […]

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War Propaganda and Peanut Butter on the Culinary Libertarian Podcast

Dann Reid, the host of the Culinary Libertarian podcast, had me on his show last week to discuss the torrent of propaganda spurred by the Russia-Ukraine conflict.  As Lily Tomlin quipped, “No matter how cynical you get, it is not enough to keep up. The wide-ranging conversation also covered cheap cigars, peanut butter, and other […]

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2014 photo via Wikipedia

Washington Foreign Policy Experts Could Get Us All Killed

The Biden administration appears to be blundering ever close to a war with Russia. People can condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the killing of civilians without fantasizing that the U.S. military has a magic wand to stop that war.  Unfortunately, the American media and a herd of pundits is pushing for military intervention such […]

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