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Podcast of Census Show with Brian Wilson

WSPD talk show host and renowned hellraiser Brian Wilson had me on his program yesterday. We did our best to restore people’s faith in the privacy/confidentiality of their Census responses… unless, of course, politicians decide they don’t like you or your group. The podcast is here:jpb-radio-brian-wilson-show-3-25-2010. To listen to it, right click and….

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My Brief State Department Career

It lasted about 60 minutes. 75 minutes, max. The photo is from late 1988 or early 1989. The State Department had a program that brought in some outside speaker once a month. I was there to whup up on the World Bank, a favorite target of mine in those years. The photo looks like I […]

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Bush Lied Up & Down on the Iraq War

In Washington, politicians “regenerate” honesty like a salamander growing back a lost tail. And there is no statute of limitation on when a politician’s henchmen can magically restore his honor. Karl Rove has a new book out claiming that Bush never lied about the Iraq war. Instead, there were some misstatesments with immaculate intent. This […]

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The Great Democratic Patriot Act Double-Cross

What’s the point of voting for Democrats if they are going to act like Bush-bots in rubberstamping FBI National Security Letters shredding the Fourth Amendment? Good to see the left-wing websites hammering Obama, Leahy, and Rep. Nadler for sanctifying and perpetuating some of the worst abuses of the post 9/11 era. Alternet’s whack is here. […]

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Congratulations Thomas Szasz! The Preface to the 50th Anniversary Edition of THE MYTH OF MENTAL ILLNESS

Next year is the 50th anniversary of the publication of Thomas Szasz’s classic The Myth of Mental Illness. Szasz has written a preface for the 50th anniversary edition. You can read it here on today. This essay deftly captures the controversies and changing battlefield over the past half century. Szasz’s conclusion perfectly captures the […]

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