So the Obama administration is moving forward with a plan to prosecute some CIA agents who went beyond the guidelines the Bush administration authorized for extreme interrogations. This is good news. But will the torture policymakers be exempt from the law? If so, maybe the pimp media will bring West Virginia’s Lynndie England, the star […]
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Now on Facebook
I now have a page on Facebook- available at If you’re not already a member of Facebook, it is not worth joining to see my page. Most of the information on that page will be posted here as well. Facebook has a dreadful record on privacy. I don’t trust it as far as I […]
On Glenn Beck TV Show today (7/24)
I am scheduled for a 3-5 minute interview on the Glenn Beck TV show on Fox News today sometime between 5 and 5:30. Topic will be AmeriCorps. The TV sched can change at the last minute, but it is currently on the lineup.
Full Text: Barron’s Summer Jobs Boondoggle piece
Barron’s put the full text of the article on Summer Jobs online here MONDAY, JULY 20, 2009 BARRONS EDITORIAL COMMENTARY Playing at Work Isn’t Productive By JAMES BOVARD LONG BEFORE THE AGE OF OBAMA, FEDERAL SPENDING became the panacea for social problems. Not content with new spending for new ideas, from high-speed passenger-rail services to […]
Triple-Hoot Headline: “US Seeks Prison Reform in Afghanistan” [Torture]
This is the headline a Voice of America article gave to a story on the New York Times’ article yesterday on how the Pentagon realizes that prison abuses in Afghanistan are fueling the Taliban. Life is unfair. You beat a few innocent prisoners to death – hanging them from the ceiling by chains, etc. – […]
Will Obama’s Health Reform Lead to a Prison Building Boom?
I am starting to wonder if maybe Obama-Care will not make all Americans healthy after all. Sue Blevins of the Institute for Health Freedom sent out a shotgun email today: –According to the CBO, the largest federal expense in House health-reform bill is $773 billion federal spending (over 10 years) for federally established insurance exchange […]
Szasz, Now More Than Ever – DSM VI
Thomas Szasz has a new book coming out this Fall: ANTIPSYCHIATRY: Quackery Squared. Syracuse University Press summarizes the book: Szasz rejected, and continues to reject, psychiatry and antipsychiatry with equal vigor. Subsuming his work under the rubric of antipsychiatry betrays and negates it just as surely and effectively as subsuming it under the rubric of […]