I will be on the Evening Edition, a radio discussion program in Kingston, Jamaica, with host Lloyd D’Aguilar, this evening from 7:30 to 7:45 Eastern time. We will be discussing US torture in Afghanistan and elsewhere. You can listen live at www.newstalk93fm.com
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Best Definition of a Tax Audit
This is a perfect definition for an IRS audit – at least on the corporate side. I am mystified by the quip in the last panel, but the line in the middle panel deserves to live in infamy.
Washington Post Dumps Best Columnist – Froomkin
The Washington Post yesterday terminated the “White House Watch” column written by Dan Froomkin. Froomkin did far better and more courageous coverage of the torture scandal than did any other Post columnist or editorial writer. (Washington Post cartoonist Tom Toles also did magnificent work on this score). Froomkin was off to a strong start on […]
Divine Analogies for Self-Pitying Republicans
Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-Mich.) sent a twitter message yesterday declaring that “Iranian twitter activity similar to what we did in House last year when Republicans were shut down in the House.” Gracious – politicians face a few procedural hurdles and then claim that they suffered the equivalent of having their heads busted by goons with […]
PODCAST NOW ONLINE – Brian Wilson Show interview today
I will be on the Brian Wilson radio show today from @ 5:05 pm to 5:30. We will have a good ol’ time ragging on government surveillance and other damn outrages. Listen Live here. (He is on Toledo’s WSPD – 1370 on the AM dial). **** UPDATE: The podcast of the interview is now available […]
Harry Browne, RIP & New Books Available
This would have been author and freedom fighter Harry Browne’s 76th birthday. Harry (who passed away in 2006) did great work for decades and he helped awake and inspire many people to the value of freedom and the perils of political saviors. His work on surviving economic nosedives is more relevant now than it has […]
Torture Coverup in Portuguese
Murilo Leme kindly translated my piece on the Obama torture coverup into Portuguese. I am told that sarcasm works better in Portuguese, so the humor may work better in the translation than the original. XXXXX O Mais Recente Cambalacho de Encobrimento da Tortura por James Bovard, 10 de junho de 2009 A administração Obama parece […]