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42nd Anniversary of the Israeli Attack on the USS Liberty

On June 8, 1967, Israeli forces knowingly attacked an American intelligence ship off the coast of Egypt. Thirty-four Americans were killed. The Johnson administration responded by rushing to coverup the facts. James Bamford, author of Body of Secrets, has unearthed massive evidence proving that the Israelis had definitely identified the ship as American before they […]

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The Campaign Reform Crime (or Scam?)

The Future of Freedom Foundation posted online today my article from the January issue of Freedom Daily on campaign reform scams. This is the first part of a two-part series on the McCain-Feingold act and related hokum. ******************************** The Campaign Reform Scam Part 1 Freedom Daily January 2009 by James Bovard In 2002, Congress passed […]

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Politicians and Memorial Day: The Guy Fawkes Solution

I stopped by the Visitors Center at Manassas Battlefield Park last month and was struck by a quote capturing Georgia private B. M. Zettler’s reaction to being enmeshed in the battle of Bull Run: “I felt that I was in the presence of death. My first thought was, ‘This is unfair – someone is to […]

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Put Your Faith in Bat ****

Scott Adams has paying tribute to MBAs this week. Here is his “bottom line” strip: It is good that more folks are recognizing the BS of Business wiz kids. Now if only people would recognize that political charlatans are even more dangerous….

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Obama Economic Recovery Official Email Notification

[from the Wall Street Examiner :] From: TIMOTHY F. GEITHNER ( Subject: I am Timothy F. Geithner, Secretary of the United States National Treasury. Date: May 21, 2009 11:41:27 AM CDT Reply-To: Good day to you, I am Timothy F. Geithner, Secretary of the United States National Treasury. President Obama nominated me to be […]

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Torture Masterminds & the Prosecution of Michael Vick

So Michael Vick has been released from federal prison after serving 19 months for dog abuse. Vick was prosecuted by an organization – the U.S. Justice Department – renowned for crafting legal rationales for torture. Maybe if Vick had claimed that he was talking to the dogs – trying to get information out of them […]

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