Yesterday’s interview with Scott Horton on AmeriCorps is now online here. The Arkansas Tourist Bureau filed a formal complaint about my insinuation that Scott sounds like he is from Arkansas (instead of Texas).
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Podcast Online of Today’s KMOX Interview
KMOX now has online the podcast/MP3 of my interview today with Mark Reardon on AmeriCorps and Mandatory Service. You can find it here, on the right side of the page.
On KMOX St Louis Radio today (4/2) at 3:20 PM Eastern
I am scheduled for a @ 15 minute interview on the Mike Reardon show on St. Louis’s KMOX today at 3:20 pm Eastern time. AmeriCorps and national service will be the topics. KMOX is at AM 1120 on the dial. Their signal reaches much of Missouri and Illinois, and maybe even sheds a ray of […]
Podcast of Today’s Lou Dobbs interview now online.
The podcast of the interview with Lou Dobbs today is online here. It is Hour Two of the April 1, 2009 show. I was on for @ 8 minutes starting about 19 minutes into the hour. We had a good ol’ time, though AmeriCorps members probably didn’t enjoy the show.
On the Scott Horton Show Today (4/1) at 3:30 pm Eastern
Scott Horton and I will be talking about AmeriCorps, Mandatory Service, and other durn outrages today on radio. You can listen live here. I will post the podcast of the interview here once it is available in the next day or two. I will be curious to see if Scott has gone mellow since […]
On Lou Dobbs’ Radio Show Today (4/1) at 4:15 PM Eastern
I am scheduled to be on the Lou Dobbs Radio Show today at 4:15 (Eastern) to talk about AmeriCorps and the GIVE Act. You can listen live here. The same website also contains a list of stations across the country that carry the Lou Dobbs show.
Obama’s Mandatory Service Madness & AmeriCorps
The American Conservative posted online today my tribute to AmeriCorps and the Obama adminstration’s huckstering for mandatory service for all young Americans. ****************************************************** NATIONAL DISSERVICE American Conservative President Obama’s feel-good draft By James Bovard On March 18, the House of Representatives voted 321-105 to pass the Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act, and the Senate […]