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Only Terrorists Distrust Government Surveillance

The London Police department is launching a new ad campaign to keep people frightened and submissive. The campaign includes a bizarre poster which encourages people to view as a terrorist suspect anyone who looks closely at government surveillance cameras. Here is the link to the poster. sheet_road_cctv [[I could not figure out how to get […]

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Any Recommendations for a Reliable ISP?

My Internet Service provider, after a decade of excellent work, seems to be floundering badly. (Any emails sent to me since 3/20 might not have gotten through). Can anyone recommend a reliable Internet Service Provider for web hosting/email? I am currently using Verizon for DSL service but their customer service record on web hosting, and […]

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The Federal Reserve’s Latest Crime Against Humanity

So the Federal Reserve announced this afternoon that it will spend a trillion dollars to prop up securities prices. The Fed doesn’t have the money, so they will print it up and have a fling at the market. Remember when Martha Stewart got sent to prison for alleged comments she made regarding an alleged $40,000 […]

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Bush Plans “Authoritarian” History

Former President George W. Bush announced in Calgary yesterday that he is planning to write a memoir “so when the history of this administration is written at least there’s an authoritarian voice saying exactly what happened.” Bush did not reveal if John Yoo would be the co-author. Bush spoke to an “invited audience of Calgary […]

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Washington Times: Obama’s Health Records Roundup

The Washington Times published my thumping of Obama’s Medical Records Roundup. It was fun to work the IRS into the story! ++++ Washington Times Friday, March 13, 2009 Great medical records roundup James Bovard COMMENTARY: Computerization of personal health-care records is one of the showcases of the new stimulus bill. President Obama promised: “We will […]

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Portuguese Translations of my Epigrams and Recent Articles

Murilo Leme* kindly translated some of my recent epigrams and articles into Portuguese. I think some of the one-liners sound better with the Latin overtones of his language. I much appreciate his making my writings accessible to folks in Brazil, Portugal, and even Mozambique. If you know folks who would appreciate this Portuguse rendition, please […]

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How Abu Ghraib was Politically Defused

The Future of Freedom Foundation posted online today my Freedom Article on how the Bush administration and its media allies buried Abu Ghraib in 2004. This episode teaches that no one should underestimate the role of lying and blustering in American politics. Regardless of smoking gun photos and smoking gun memos (including the first Yoo […]

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