Here’s a video spurred by my article yesterday on “Will Federal Censorship be the Biggest Pandemic Legacy?” –

The biggest election frauds usually
occur before the voting booths open.”
Here’s a video spurred by my article yesterday on “Will Federal Censorship be the Biggest Pandemic Legacy?” –
Shaun Thompson and I whupped a bunch of politicians and federal agencies this evening on Chicago’s The Answer AM 560. Shaun, the host of the Liberty Hour program, mentioned that he first read my articles in Playboy though I never thought I compete against the Playmate of the Month. Shaun was aghast at Biden’s waiver […]
New York Post, March 19, 2024 Will federal censorship be the pandemic’s biggest legacy? by James Bovard Will a federal entitlement to censor be the most shocking legacy of the COVID-19 pandemic? This grim prospect arises from a Supreme Court hearing Monday at which some justices seemed to view the First Amendment as a weapon […]
Police Dogs Have Abolished Constitutional Due Process by James Bovard The Fifth Amendment declares, “No person shall be . . . deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” Except by dogs. The Supreme Court declared in 1967, “Wherever a man may be, he is entitled to know that he will remain free from […]
New York Post, March 16, 2024 Joe Biden is once again taking a ‘wrecking ball’ to America’s housing market by James Bovard Would you be willing to save a few hundred dollars on a car purchase if the seller seemed squirrely and didn’t have the title to the car? Unfortunately, you will be on the […]
New York Post, March 13, 2023 Dems turn Biden-documents hearing into 3 Stooges theater By James Bovard Special Counsel Robert Hur was in the hot seat for four hours Tuesday as President Biden’s congressional allies sought to destroy him for doubting Biden’s intellect. They had no case. And instead, they turned the event into Three […]
Four years ago this morning in Potomac, Maryland, Montgomery County police did not turn on their body cams until after they killed Duncan Lemp — James Bovard (@JimBovard) March 12, 2024 Tomorrow is 4th anniversary of @mcpnews killing of Duncan Lemp in a pre-dawn no-knock raid. Why did a cop put his boot […]