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269 And Trying Harder

I want to heartily thank all the folks who have perused here or linked here in the past few months. Wikio compiles a ranking of English language political blogs.  The latest Wikio ranking is now posted on the upper left hand corner of this blog.  Thanks to y’all, this blog came in at 269 in the latest […]

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Introduction from TERRORISM & TYRANNY (2003)

Since September is “Book Introduction” month, I figure I should send this chapter for another lap around the track. The final paragraph of the chapter asks: “What are the prospects for the survival of American liberty from an endless war against an elusive, often ill-defined enemy?” Funny to think back how some people reacted in 2003 to […]

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McCain Achieves a Miracle

 John McCain performed a miracle tonight. He made Bob Dole’s 1996 Republican presidential acceptance speech look downright eloquent. Shizam, McCain’s performance – at least for the first 40 minutes of the speech – made Bob Dole sound the combination of Daniel Webster, John F. Kennedy, and Cicero thrown in for good measure. McCain seemed to […]

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Flemishly Damned Again?

I much appreciate the Belgian website In Flanders Fields posting the text of the Freeman article on torture.  I was amused at some of the comments, though I’d be prevaricating if I said I was more fluent in Flemish than in Swahili.  Here are the comments the piece has so far generated on this European […]

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Torture & Liberty

This piece from the July issue of The Freeman is now online here (in PDF) and here (in ASCII – paragraph breaks amended slightly in the version below). TORTURE & LIBERTY      Freeman  July 2008 by James Bovard Is torture compatible with liberty? Unfortunately, this is no longer a hypothetical question. Many Americans who claim to […]

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Washington Headline of the Year!

“CIA More Fully Denies Deception About Iraq” – in yesterday’s Washington Post. The subhead should have read: “This Time We Are Not Lying Like Weasels – We Swear!” The Post article on the CIA’s reaction to Ron Suskind’s revelations included this tidbit from the CIA’s prepared statement: “To state what should be obvious, it is […]

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Introduction Chapter from Lost Rights (1994)

This is a flash from the past.    I enjoyed the challenge when I was writing this chapter back in @ 1993 to try to frame the issues and ideas in a way that would awake people to the rising political peril.  Unfortunately, the book is not out of date. I noticed on the Amazon page […]

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