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Martial Law Act of 2006

 The Future of Freedom Foundation today posted online my article from the January 2008 issue of Freedom Daily on Martial Law.  Without further ado… The Martial Law Act of 2006 by James Bovard Martial law is perhaps the ultimate stomping of freedom. And yet, on September 30, 2006, Congress passed a provision in a 591-page bill […]

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Brian Wilson Sweeps Ohio

Actually, maybe ‘cleans up Toledo’ would be a more accurate headline. The Toledo Blade, a newspaper that Brian has treated with the same affection that Nixon lavished on the Washington Post, has a hefty, mostly glowing profile of Brian today here.  I’m glad to see his superb talent getting recognized in print.   I was […]

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LIVE ONLINE Thursday morning 10 a.m. – Charles Goyette Show

I will be on the Charles Goyette show on Thursday (11/01) at 10:05 a.m Eastern time.  Charles is one of the  best talk show hosts in the biz – and he is gung-ho pro-freedom.   We will be talking about torture and other Bush legacies. .    If you are in Phoenix or much of Arizona, you […]

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Complete Text, Syrian Review of Bush Betrayal

Sate Hamza, a Syrian doctor and professor now living in Canada, kindly tracked down and translated the September 17 full review of Bush Betrayal in the Syrian newspaper  Al-Thawrah from Arabic into English. He emailed this  around 4 a.m. this morning: I found the original review at the following URL: Here is a full English […]

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Will Torture Bring Down Bush?

 The American Conservative posted online my article from their July 30 issue on why the torture scandal may finish off the Bush administration. BREAKING BUSH’S RESISTANCE         American Conservative  July 30, 2007 by James Bovard From the first days after the Abu Ghraib photos hit the airwaves, the torture scandal has epitomized the worst of the […]

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A Playful Flashback on Shafting Taxpayers

Tax Day has always been special for me.    The following is a piece I wrote back in the waning days fo the Reagan administration  to spur positive thinking on the IRS and Uncle Sam.    The New York Times April 13, 1988 HEADLINE: Your Tax Dollars At Work And Play BYLINE: By James Bovard DATELINE: WASHINGTON   Congratulations. You probably […]

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Toledo Mayor “Squeals Like a Pig”

Talk show host Brian Wilson added another notch to his holster (or whatever) today. A federal judge slapped a permanent injunction on mayor Carty Finkbeiner (don’t blame me, I didn’t make the name up) and the city of Toledo. Unfortunately, Wilson doesn’t drink beer, so he will not be celebrating properly tonight. Here are some […]

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