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Email Bovard Address is Down – Alternative Email Address

My usual email address –  is not functioning today. My older email address is working – I will spare readers the obligatory profanity regarding this ISP screwup.  Thanks for folks who notified me that their mail to the address was bouncing back to them.    

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Bush’s Signing Statement Dictatorship

The fine folks at Future of Freedom Foundation posted today a piece I did on Bush’s endless nullifications of federal law. The longer he reigns, the more difficult it is to give Bush the benefit of the doubt. Bush’s Signing Statement Dictatorship by James Bovard, October 9, 2006 President Bush has once again decreed that […]

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How the U.S. Media Helps Subvert U.S. Democracy

The Globalist U.S. DEMOCRACY & THE ROLE OF THE MEDIA by James Bovard         August 10, 2006  U.S. policies have received a lot of criticism in recent years — not just at home, but also around the world. According to Jim Bovard, author of “Attention Deficit Democracy,” one of the key reasons is that the Washington press […]

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Justice Dept. Appeals Ruling on “No Hereditary Kings”

Federal judge Anna Diggs Taylor declared in a ruling today: “We must first note that the Office of the Chief Executive has itself been created, with its powers, by the Constitution. There are no hereditary Kings in America and no power not created by the Constitution. So all ‘inherent power’ must derive from that Constitution.” The […]

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Paving the Way to War with Iran

Israel’s war on Lebanon is a warm-up for the U.S. war on Iran. That is the message of Seymour Hersh’s latest superb article in the New Yorker. Hersh reveals that the Bush administration was “closely involved” in planning Israel’s attacks on Lebanon.  A former senior intelligence official informed Hersh that, beginning this Spring, “planners from […]

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Qana Last Time: “Just a bunch of [dead] Arabs.”

Israeli government public relations encountered a significant challenge today when the IDF killed dozens of children in the same location that they killed more than a hundred civilians a decade ago.   The fact that both attacks occurred in Qana, Lebanon is the sort of thing that might make even a newspaper correspondent look into Israel’s prior history […]

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Israeli Justice Minister: IDF entitled to Kill Everyone in South Lebanon

From the BBC today: Israeli Justice Minister Haim Ramon “said that in order to prevent casualties among Israeli soldiers battling Hezbollah militants in southern Lebanon, villages should be flattened by the Israeli air force before ground troops moved in. He added that Israel had given the civilians of southern Lebanon ample time to quit the […]

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