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Boston Globe: The ‘Terrorist’ Batting Average

The Boston Globe ran my piece today on how the Bush administration almost always strikes out when it accuses people of being terrorists.  Here’s the text: The ‘terrorist’ batting average By James Bovard  |  July 21, 2006    Boston Globe AFTER THE US Supreme Court’s recent decision limiting military tribunals, Congress is scrambling to pass a […]

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Conservatives’ Treason on Free Speech

The American Conservative placed my piece on ‘Conservatives’ Treason on Free Speech’ online today. Here’s the lead and the close – July 31, 2006   Our Dangerous Times Today’s conservatives are eager to trade freedom for security. by James Bovard On June 23, the New York Times and other papers revealed that the Bush administration […]

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Speaking in Arlington, VA Thursday (7/20) night

I will be discussing Attention Deficit Democracy as part of  a panel (along with Reason magazine managing editor Jesse Walker and Elizabethtown College professor  Paul Gottfried) at a  meeting of the Robert Taft Club on Thursday night, July 20. The show starts at 7 pm at the offices (probably the roof) of the Leadership Institute, located […]

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