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On Jim Bohannon show on Tuesday night

I will be on the Jim Bohannon show on Westwood One radio on Tuesday night from 10 till 11 pm Eastern time.  I believe Bohannon’s show is on more than 300 stations around the country.   The call-in phone number is  1-866-505-4626. Talkers magazine reports that Bohannon is the fifth most listened-to talk radio program in […]

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Thanks to Claire Wolfe

Claire Wolfe had some very kind words for Attention Deficit Democracy on her blog this morning. I appreciate her also posting my favorite epigrams from the book. Claire does some of the best hell-raising on the web.  The last I heard, her FBI file was almost as large as Charlie Chaplin’s. 

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The creation of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) — a vast amalgamation of 22 agencies and 170,000 government workers – has been one of President Bush’s biggest bragging points. The Washington Post published the first of a series today on how DHS has been a pathetic farce since the day it was created. In […]

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How Federal Screwups Entitled Bush to Absolute Power

In his radio address last week, Bush justified warrantless wiretaps  by invoking the case of two 9/11 hijackers whom the feds failed to trace before the attacks. Bush declared, ” Two of the terrorist hijackers who flew a jet into the Pentagon, Nawaf al Hamzi and Khalid al Mihdhar, communicated while they were in the […]

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Bush, Conservatives, & Freedom

Bush administration policies are establishing the conservative standard for freedom for the coming generation. Few presidents have invoked freedom more often than Bush, and none in recent decades has shown such open contempt for the Rule of Law. His proclamation of a right to spy on American citizens without even a retroactive rubberstamp warrant from […]

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Ethics in Washington: Maiming vs. Massaging

Republicans in Congress are pushing to make handjobs a federal crime. Well, not all of ’em – just the paid variety. (Dinners, or even multiple happy hour drinks,  are still apparently legal tender for such barter).  Sen. John Cornyn (R-Tex.) is pushing legislation to provide federal grants to state and local law enforcement to target men […]

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Another Torture Charade

It is amusing to see the media’s hosannahs over the Bush administration’s agreement to accept the McCain amendment to purportedly prohibit U.S. government officials from torturing people. This will be only one more provision in the statute book. Unless someone can find a way to make the Bush administration to obey the law, then passing another […]

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