Don’t Scapegoat Freedom for Leviathan’s Failures

Listening to the media touting Obama around the clock reminded me of a piece I wrote for Sheldon Richman, editor of the Freeman, five years ago. Unfortunately, the media and intellectuals are playing the same bunkum games now that they did under the previous president. Here are some one-liners plucked from the following article: * […]

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My Wall St. Jrn. Retort: Harvesting without Sowing

The Wall Street Journal published my letter responding to the Pigford class action lawyers today: Harvesting Without Trying to Sow In their March 27 response to my “Rotten Tomatoes for a Billion-Dollar Farm Payout,” Philip Fraas and David Frantz, the lead counsel for the Pigford case, disparage the notion that many black claimants merely “attempted […]

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Democracy Declining Around the Globe?

I wrote this review 3 years ago for the American Conservative. However, since democracy is still floundering in a heap of places, the analysis is not yet out of date. Many of Obama’s policies since 2010 illustrate how representative government is descending into Elective Dictatorship. Here are a few extracts of my comments from the […]

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Pigford Lawyers Outraged at my Wall Street Jrn piece

A letter from today’s paper… Wall Street Journal, March 27, 2013 Minority Farmers Harvesting Justice In response to James Bovard’s March 21 op-ed “Rotten Tomatoes for a Billion-Dollar Farm Payout“: The U.S. Department of Agriculture is not simply handing out taxpayer dollars to minorities with backyard gardens. This payout from the department was put in […]

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Democracy vs. Liberty (2006)

Today’s Foundation for Economic Education‘s email lists a 2006 Freeman article I wrote as a “timely classic.” Unfortunately, the article is not out of date.  Once more around the track…. Here are some of the punchier lines from the piece: *The more confused people’s thinking becomes, the easier it is for rulers to invoke democracy […]

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