Book Signing in Richmond, Va. on Tuesday, Feb. 21

I will be talking and signing books at the Fountain Bookstore in Richmond, Va., at 6:30 pm on Tuesday night (2/21). The  Fountain Bookstore is at 1312 E. Cary St.,  (804) 788-1594.  Directions and other details are at the bookstore’s website. I have been advised by counsel that, because it has been a long time since […]

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New York Post reviews Attention Deficit Democracy

Ari Melber, a former U.S. Senate legislative aide, reviewed Attention Deficit Democracy in today’s New York Post. Melber calls the book “a lively attack on politicians, voters and government. Bovard’s indictment of an ineffective but ever-expanding federal government would make any libertarian proud. That may be why the author has so many conservative fans, including […]

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Newsday Op-ed: Mass Ignorance vs. Democracy & Liberty

Newsday published an op-ed of mine today on how ignorance is subverting democracy and liberty.   Some people may dispute the porn ratio in the piece; my hunch is that the number errs significantly on the low side.    The article is being distributed nationwide by the Los Angeles Times/Washington Post syndicate, so it may pop up in […]

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Thanks to Sunni Maravillosa!

Sunni Maravillosa, probably the most optimistic freedom advocate out there,  wrote a very informative, generous review of Attention Deficit Democracy at her zesty Sunni’s Salon. (Other parts of her February issue make my book look Presbyterian prim, if not proper).   Sunni commented, “Bovard… is one of very few journalists who are both pro-freedom and willing to dig… The […]

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On St. Louis radio Wed. (2/15) 1 pm

I will be on the Bill Borst show tomorrow (2/15) on “Radio Free St. Louis” at 1 pm Eastern time. Bill emailed me that he has read the book – should be a lively, thorough discussion! You can listen live at   The show will be broadcast at the AM 920 frequency.  Hopefully the signal […]

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