I’ll be on the Scott Horton radio show at 1 pm Eastern to discuss today’s Wall Street Journal piece on the failure of food aid. You can listen live at http://scotthorton.org/ Scott usually gets the MP3 of interviews up within a day or so; I will post a link when that becomes available.
Tag Archives | Agriculture

My WSJ piece: “Food for Peace” Hurts Foreign Farmers
Wall Street Journal April 30, 2013 [alternative WSJ link – not blocked by paywall] How ‘Food for Peace’ Hurts Foreign Farmers For a half-century the program has done more to feed special interests than help the hungry. By JAMES BOVARD The United States government is the world’s largest food donor but its aid consistently wreaks havoc abroad. […]

NY Times Confirms my Wall St Journal hit on USDA Scam
The New York Times has a great piece today on how the Agriculture Department and Obama administration are shoveling out billions of dollars to bogus bias claim victims. The program is fraudulent from top to bottom – and top government officials knew it. When I made some of the same allegations last month in the […]

Ripping the Raisin Regime in USA Today
USA Today April 5, 2013 (also syndicated nationwide via Gannett) Fight for the Right to Grow Raisins by James Bovard If the Supreme Court cannot smack down the raisin racket, then it should forfeit any pretense of safeguarding Americans’ rights and liberties. The Supreme Court could soon end one of the federal government’s most archaic […]

My Wall St. Jrn. Retort: Harvesting without Sowing
The Wall Street Journal published my letter responding to the Pigford class action lawyers today: Harvesting Without Trying to Sow In their March 27 response to my “Rotten Tomatoes for a Billion-Dollar Farm Payout,” Philip Fraas and David Frantz, the lead counsel for the Pigford case, disparage the notion that many black claimants merely “attempted […]

Pigford Lawyers Outraged at my Wall Street Jrn piece
A letter from today’s paper… Wall Street Journal, March 27, 2013 Minority Farmers Harvesting Justice In response to James Bovard’s March 21 op-ed “Rotten Tomatoes for a Billion-Dollar Farm Payout“: The U.S. Department of Agriculture is not simply handing out taxpayer dollars to minorities with backyard gardens. This payout from the department was put in […]
On Chicago WGN Radio at 11:35 AM – Listen Live
I’ll be on WGN Chicago radio (AM 720) at 11:35 a.m. Eastern time to discuss the Wall Street Journal piece on USDA’s bizarre billion $ “discrimination” bonanza with talk show host Mike McConnell. You can listen live at-http://wgnradio.com/listen/