Tag Archives | American Psychiatric Association


Psychiatry is Vexing Americans and Subverting Freedom

Psychiatry is Vexing Americans and Subverting Freedom by James Bovard | May 13, 2024 Psychiatry is ruining more lives than ever before. The New York Times recently showcased psychiatric “prevalence inflation”—a vast increase in reported mental illness among teenagers because they are encouraged to view normal symptoms as grave maladies requiring intervention. Oxford University psychologist […]

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Will Supremes Unleash Biden Red Flag Gun Raids?

American Conservative, April 9, 2021 Will Supremes Unleash Biden Red Flag Gun Raids? A gun seizure case before the Supreme Court could open the flood gates to warrantless searches. by  James Bovard President Joe Biden launched his first attack on the Second Amendment this week, making clear his intent to radically curtail Americans’ legal rights […]

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