Tag Archives | Americans with Disabilities Act


Psychiatry is Vexxing More Americans Than Ever

Psychiatrists are continually concocting new "mental illnesses" to stretch their power over everyone else. But psychiatry fails to recognize people suffering from “Missing Bullshit Alarm” as a grave malady in our times. https://t.co/FkK0UPfFA7 — James Bovard (@JimBovard) May 14, 2024 Therapists are hollowing out the American character, generation by generation. What do they  offer in lieu […]

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After 30 Years, Did the Disabilities Act Work?

American Institute for Economic Research, July 22, 2020 After 30 Years, Did the Disabilities Act Work? James Bovard – July 22, 2020 Thirty years ago, President George H.W. Bush signed [7/26/1990] the Americans with Disabilities Act, which was supposed to create a new era of equality and justice. Instead, the ADA often turns disabilities into […]

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George H.W. Bush’s Forgotten Debacles and Demagoguery

George H.W. Bush’s Forgotten Debacles and Demagoguery by James Bovard After former President George H.W. Bush died late last year, he was widely hailed as a great leader and patriot. At the National Cathedral funeral service, biographer Jon Meachan declared that Bush was a “twentieth-century Founding Father.” The minister of Bush’s church in Houston compared […]

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FFF: The Failure of the Americans with Disabilities Act

From the Future of Freedom Foundation – The Failure of the Americans with Disabilities Act by James Bovard The Americans with Disabilities Act was enacted 25 years ago. It promised a brave new era of equality and freedom. Instead, it has spawned endless lawsuits and absurd federal decrees while harming some of the people it […]

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USA TODAY: How Disabilities Law Went Nuts

USA TODAY, July 27, 2015 How disability law went nuts by James Bovard And it has actually been a disaster at helping the disabled find work. Good intentions are no excuse for perpetual legal chaos. The Americans with Disabilities Act promised a bright new era of equality and freedom. Instead, it has spawned endless lawsuits […]

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