Tag Archives | Attention Deficit Democracy

Palin Revives Bush’s Most Lethal Lie

In a speech yesterday to U.S. troops departing for Iraq, Alaska Governor and GOP VP nominee Sarah Palin declared that the soldiers would “defend the innocent from the enemies who planned and carried out and rejoiced in the death of thousands of Americans.”  Even George W. Bush finally admitted that this justification for attacking Iraq […]

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Flemishly Damned Again?

I much appreciate the Belgian website In Flanders Fields posting the text of the Freeman article on torture.  I was amused at some of the comments, though I’d be prevaricating if I said I was more fluent in Flemish than in Swahili.  Here are the comments the piece has so far generated on this European […]

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Torture & Liberty

This piece from the July issue of The Freeman is now online here (in PDF) and here (in ASCII – paragraph breaks amended slightly in the version below). TORTURE & LIBERTY      Freeman  July 2008 by James Bovard Is torture compatible with liberty? Unfortunately, this is no longer a hypothetical question. Many Americans who claim to […]

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Federal Attitude Police

The Future of Freedom Foundation posted online today my article from the June issue of Freedom Daily. TSA is an agency that never gets enough of what it deserves. But it’s fun to try anyhow. FEDERAL ATTITUDE POLICE by James Bovard The Transportation Security Administration has created more gantlets at American airports than most travelers […]

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The Virtual Iran War Resolution

This is one of those times that I realize how deficient the English language is in profanity.  Congressmen deserve far worse hammering than the vernacular allows. Congress may vote for  a resolution this week that would be a de facto declaration of war on Iran.  Iran poses no peril to the U.S. mainland.  But since the […]

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The Capsizing of American Democracy

The Future of Freedom Foundation posted online today this piece from the April issue of Freedom Daily – THE CAPSIZING OF AMERICAN DEMOCRACY by James Bovard American democracy is capsizing as a result of the vast increase in the number of government dependents and government employees. This has created a voting bloc that overwhelms every […]

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Bush Slanders Freedom Again

In a Tuesday interview in Britain, Sky News editor Adam Boulton asked George W. Bush:  “There are those who would say look, lets take Guantanamo Bay, and Abu Ghraib, and rendition and all those things and to them that is the complete opposite of freedom.” BUSH: “Of course, if you want to slander America.”  This […]

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