Tag Archives | Attention Deficit Democracy

The 9/11 Servility Reflex

The Future of Freedom Foundation posted online today my Freedom Daily piece on the tidal wave of groveling that swept America after 9/11. THE 9/11 SERVILITY REFLEX                 Freedom Daily, December 2008 by James Bovard  Many citizens react to their rulers like little kids who recognize that a stranger is acting suspiciously and may be up […]

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Now Online – My Radio Interview on Antiwar.com

Antiwar.com’s Scott Horton and I had a rattlin’ good chat yesterday regarding the 5 year anniversary of Bush’s invasion of Iraq.   The interview includes accolades for Antiwar.com itself and  heaps justified abuse upon the media. The MP3 is here.  The interview is about 15 minutes long.

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Bush Earned Impeachment Five Years Ago Today

In a memo sent to Congress five years ago today, Bush decreed that he was attacking Iraq “to take the necessary actions against international terrorists and terrorist organizations, including those nations, organizations, or persons who planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001.” The Bush administration linked Saddam to 9/11 to […]

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Now Online: MP3 of Brian Wilson Interview + Ron Paul Update

Today’s interview with Brian Wilson is now online. Click here to listen or download the MP3. We had a good ol’ time; Brian revealed the best Merlot to go with bratwurst. Ron Paul came up.  I stressed again, as I have indicated often on this blog, that Ron Paul is a great congressman.  He shows […]

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Ron Paul’s Missed Chance Against McCain?

John McCain survived the New Hampshire primary thanks to receiving the support of the bulk of Republicans opposed to the Iraq war</a>.  McCain also did much better with the antiwar voters than other GOP candidates in the crucial Florida primary. Ron Paul, who announced he was dropping out of the race last night, never made his […]

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