Tag Archives | Biden

Screenshot 2022-10-23 at 20-27-00 NYT’s Republicans ‘devil terms’ front page is more media midterm madness

New York Post: NYT’s Republicans ‘devil terms’ front page is more media midterm madness

New York Post, October 23, 2022 NYT’s Republicans ‘devil terms’ front page is more media midterm madness By James Bovard Just in time for Halloween and the congressional midterm elections, The New York Times wallops readers with a front-page story about GOP “devil terms.” Times reporters sifted through millions of documents to prove that Republicans […]

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Biden’s COVID Dictatorship Will Never End

Libertarian Institute, October 18, 2022 Joe Biden’s COVID Dictatorship Will Never End by Jim Bovard | The Biden administration formally decreed last week that America’s COVID “emergency” continues. That proclamation was tricky to reconcile with President Biden’s announcement last month on 60 Minutes: “The pandemic is over.”  Apparently, that was malarkey—perhaps part of the Democratic […]

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Biden’s Covid Emergency is a Dictatorial Abuse

New York Post, October 15, 2022 President Biden keeps the COVID ‘emergency’ going so he can act like a dictator By James Bovard The Biden administration proclaimed Thursday that America’s COVID “emergency” continues. Yet last month President Biden told “60 Minutes”: “The pandemic is over. We still have a problem with COVID. We’re still doing […]

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Screenshot 2022-10-07 at 12-21-24 USA Today's James Bovard

Bashing Covid Fraud & Lockdowns on Chicago Morning Answer Radio

I was on the Chicago Morning Answer AM560 Radio Show this morn with Dan Proft and Amy Jacobson, smacking around the Covid fraud stampede. The interview was spurred by my New York Post piece earlier this week. Amy Jacboson asked: Is there any chance that we will get any of the $600 billion stolen back?” […]

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Julian Assange and Our Impunity Democracy

Mises Institute, October 7, 2022 Julian Assange and Our Impunity Democracy by James Bovard On Saturday, protests supporting Julian Assange will occur around the world. In London, Assange supporters will link arms around the parliament building. Protests will also occur outside the Justice Department headquarters in Washington (I’ll be one of the speakers), D.C., and […]

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Thank Joe Biden for Your COVID-Positive Nurse

Thank Joe Biden for Your COVID-Positive Nurse by James Bovard October 4, 2022 If you pick up a COVID infection during your next visit to a hospital or medical office, maybe send a thank-you card to President Biden. His COVID vaccine mandate was one of the most perverse public-health edicts in modern times. Vaccination status […]

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JPB on NYPost cover covid dfvesde

New York Post: How $600 billion was stolen from the American people

New York Post, October 3, 2022 How $600 billion was stolen from the American people By James Bovard “COVID fraud” is at this point a redundant phrase. Congress appropriated more than $5 trillion for COVID relief but almost $600 billion may have been lost to fraud — an astounding 12%. Washington’s pandemic pratfalls are the […]

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