Tag Archives | Biden

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Absolute Power Is No Covid Safety Net

American Institute for Economic Research, August 26, 2021 Absolute Power Is No Covid Safety Net James Bovard Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, lockdown champions have perennially invoked “science and data” to sanctify any mandate politicians impose. Hard facts have recently shown that neither vaccines nor face masks provide surefire protection against the virus. […]

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Pseudo-Omniscience Versus Freedom

American Institute for Economic Research, August 5, 2021 Pseudo-Omniscience Versus Freedom James Bovard Shut up and submit” is now the favorite Covid cure of some of America’s leading progressives. Paul Krugman, a Nobel Prize winner and New York Times columnist, revealed on Tuesday that since freedom is a mirage, people have no good reason not […]

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Collapse of the Covid Catechism

President Biden promised Americans a “summer of freedom” but the feds revoked it this week.  First the CDC championed new mask mandates and then Biden announced that he would compel all federal employees to get Covid vaccines or be tested and hounded until they submitted.  In his public announcement on Thursday, Biden said it is […]

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Biden’s Rescue Act Targets Americans’ Freedoms

Biden’s Rescue Act Targets Americans’ Freedoms by James Bovard Since the 1800s, surly Americans have derided politicians for spending tax dollars “like drunken sailors.” Until recently, that was considered a grave character fault. But Joe Biden’s American Rescue Plan Act shows that inebriated spending is now the path to national salvation. It was a common […]

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NSA Spying Mania and the Deep State Podcast

J.G. Michael and I had a zesty conversation on NSA, illegal spying, Tucker Carlson, and the Deep State on Wednesday.  Here is his summary of our exchange and the 39 minute audio file of his Parallax Views show: On this edition of Parallax Views, controversial Fox News personality Tucker Carlson caused an uproar recently when […]

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The “Honest History” Fraud

The “Honest History” Fraud James Bovard – July 20, 2021 American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten recently proclaimed that her union members have a right to teach “honest history” in government classrooms. But putting politicians, bureaucrats, and union zealots in charge of a curriculum is the worst recipe for candor. Rather than truth, the […]

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Busting Biden’s New War on Extremism on Scott Horton Show MP3

 Jim Bovard on Biden’s Buffoonish War on Extremism by Scott | Jul 14, 2021 | “Jim Bovard discusses the recent rumblings about “domestic extremism,” which the Biden administration and many Democrats have been warning is a rising problem in America. So far, Biden has only issued executive orders about so-called extremism, but some politicians are […]

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