Tag Archives | Biden

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The Voting Rights Mirage

American Conservative, October 19, 2020 The Voting Rights Mirage by James Bovard The most dangerous political illusion is that votes limit politicians’ power. Americans have been endlessly hectored in recent months to cast their votes in the presidential election. But trusting ballots to leash either Donald Trump or Joe Biden would be the ultimate triumph […]

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War on Terror Presaged COVID Mania

American Institute for Economic Research, September 9, 2020 The War on Terror Presaged Covid Mania by James Bovard   This week is the 19th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. America never recovered politically from those attacks, and government responses to the Covid pandemic are repeating many of […]

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Political Legitimacy Dies in 2020

American Institute for Economic Research, July 28, 2020 Political Legitimacy Dies in 2020 James Bovard The American political system may be on the eve of its worst legitimacy crisis since the Civil War. Early warning signals indicate that many states could suffer catastrophic failures in counting votes in November. The election will occur amidst the […]

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Democratic Deliverance Debate? Impeachment, Syria, Biden…

Ohio is the scene of tonight’s Democratic presidential candidate debate.  A hundred years in Toledo, Jack Dempsey won the heavyweight crown with a surprise knockout of giant Jess Willard.   Will the top candidates similarly get busted up tonight? Watching this debate is akin to a three hour mental root canal      https://twitter.com/JimBovard/status/1184288897276284929 + Sen […]

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