This is the 216th anniversary of the ratification of the Bill of Rights – the first 10 amendments to the Constitution of the United States. This should be one of the most honored civic days on the American calendar. Unfortunately, most Americans never notice the occasion -in the same way that many people seem […]
Tag Archives | Bovard
Bush’s AmeriCorps Fraud
The Future of Freedom Foundation posted online today my article on AmeriCorps from the September 2007 Freedom Daily. I admit: the first sentence is my favorite line in the piece. Bush’s AmeriCorps Fraud Freedom Daily, September 2007 by James Bovard Politicians have long used moral doggerel to make citizens docile. Though President Bush is often […]
Ron Paul Vindicated on Iran
Ron Paul is the only non-Armageddon presidential candidate among the Republicans. He is the only person who staunchly opposes a massive first strike against Iran because of its alleged nuclear program. He has long been ridiculed for his aversion to preemptive genocide in the Middle East. The National Intelligence Estimate yesterday reported that Iran abandoned its nuclear […]
Radio Interview Now Available Online MP3
Yesterday’s interview by radio host Brian Wilson is now available online here. The October 4 interview we did is available on the same page. Brian and I had a rowdy time. I suspect that my joke about the Farm Journal may have mystified people in western Ohio. Woulda worked like a charm in eastern Ohio, where people […]
Listen LIVE Online Thursday (11/29) -Brian Wilson Radio Show 5 pm Eastern
Brian Wilson, one of the finest talk show hosts in the biz, invited me on his show tomorrow (Thursday, 11/29) at 5:00 pm Eastern time. You can listen live here. He is on WSPD in Toledo, 1370 AM. He rules talk radio in his part of the country, and is reportedly on the verge of […]
Another Bush Bootlicker Bites the Dust
Australian voters kicked Prime Minister John Howard out of office yesterday. Howard was even more of a groveler to Bush than Tony Blair. One step Bush took to try to help Howard win reelection was to release Australian David Hicks from Guantanamo earlier this year. As part of the deal for his release, Hicks had to […]
Ron Paul, the 2002 Szasz Award Winner
Some supporters of Ron Paul’s presidential campaign may not know that congressman Paul was a champion of civil liberties even in the era before the U.S. government legalized torture. Paul won the Szasz Award for Outstanding Contributions to Civil Liberties in 2002. He is the only politician to ever win the award (named after the legendary psychiatrist Thomas […]