Tag Archives | Bovard

Ron Paul Trumps in Last Night’s Debate

Ron Paul trumped in last night’s Republican Presidential Candidate Debate in New Hampshire.  His views on Iraq and freedom were shining beacons amidst the black smoke the other candidates emitted. As the rest of the GOP hopefuls tighten their chains to the war wagon heading over a cliff, Paul’s views will propel him forward. Every […]

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Thomas Szasz has a New Masterpiece: COERCION AS CURE

Thomas Szasz, whose 1961 book The Myth of Mental Illness revolutionized thinking about involuntary commitment, has a new book out:  Coercion As Cure: A Critical History of Psychiatry. Szasz helps people recognize how many issues portrayed solely as questions of mental health are actually questions of liberty.   He has helped open the eyes of generations of Americans to […]

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Richard Jewell, R.I.P.

Richard Jewell, the Atlanta security guard smeared by the FBI after a pipe bomb exploded during the 1996 Olympics, has passed away.  Jewell’s experience epitomizes the feds’ ability to turn an innocent man’s life into hell. Here is the section on FBI Director Louis Freeh and Jewell from my 2000 book, Feeling Your Pain: In […]

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The “Terrorist” Batting Average

The Future of Freedom Foundation today posted online my article from the June 2007 Freedom Daily on the Bush administration’s endlessly inaccurate terrorist accusations.  The title of the piece is about as close to baseball as I have gotten in the last decade or so. The “Terrorist” Batting Average by James Bovard For almost six years, […]

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Hooray! The Federal Government is Clean Again!

Or at least that’s the message I’m picking up from reading some commentators on Alberto Gonzales’s exit. Shizam, some of these people seem to think that the Justice Department will henceforth be in the justice business. And some seem to think that Gonzo’s resignation proves that “the system works.” What a crock. It has been over […]

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Torture Radio Interview Now Online

Scott Horton of Antiwar.com interviewed me on Thursday on the latest developments on the torture scandal.  As always, Scott’s optimism is downright contagious. You can click onto the MP3 of the interview here – We did the interview just before the Padilla jury verdict was announced.   I reckon the interview would have been more caustic… The […]

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