New York Post, December 1, 2023 More nails in the coffin of Biden’s censorship regime James Bovard With each passing month, we are getting closer to the Custer’s Last Stand for federal censors. But will free speech triumph in time to prevent the feds from secretly rigging the 2024 presidential election? At a House Weaponization […]
Tag Archives | Buffoonery
My Russian Agent Christmas Card
Revised photo. Could not let the comments on the beard and bunker go to waste. Thanks to Pixabay for the Xmas logo and thanks to avid readers for their incisive comments.
MP3 of Brian Wilson interview on Trump, Deep State, Terror Buffoonery, Etc.
Talk show legend Brian Wilson interviewed me yesterday for his Libertas Media Project. This is also posted at LibertyNation, which is now featuring Brian’s podcasts. Here’s his summary: “Author James Bovard (Freedom in Chains, Lost Rights, Attention Deficit Democracy) joins us for an overview of the good, bad and ugly early days of the Trump […]
Iowa GOP Barnbusting Debate!
OK, so sue me for a using a misleading blog headline. What the hell – at least I don’t need to watch any more debates this month. My live tweets as the show went on… and on…. Disappointed that #GOPDebate candidates did not invoke "Judeo-Christian values" in the same sentence calling for carpet bombing — […]
My Supreme Covert Failure
The Liberty Under Attack blog last week had an essay on “Blending In: The Art of the Grey Man” – “Given the fact that American dissidents are unjustly profiled by the government, it stands to reason that direct action must be taken to stymie the creation of political prisoners. Whether these injustices are due to malice or stupidity, the fact […]
Democratic Debate Hoots & Huckstering
Tonight’s Democratic candidate debate was everything a cynic could have wished for. Government retained its power to perform miracles, though no one explicitly promised that it could raise the dead. It is amazing to see how far & easily both Hillary Clinton and Martin O’Malley ran from their records in office. Following are some of […]
GOP Slugfest – Saudis, Cigars, Treason, & Tweets
Damned unfortunate that Fox Business News blocked Rand Paul from the debate tonight in South Carolina. Here are Twitter messages as the candidates wrangled [ok, so the photo is a few months old – Carly didn’t make it to the main stage tonight but every other photo I considered was painfully dull] #GOPDebate Kasich: […]