I’m a big fan of Wiley Miller’s Non Sequitor cartoon but this one has me completely mystified. I just assumed that everyone always wanted to hear bloggers’ keen observations.
Tag Archives | Buffoonery
AmeriCorps: Idealistic Triumph or Usual Buffoonery?
From the November 2013 issue of the Future of Freedom (published by FFF) AmeriCorps: Idealistic Triumph or Usual Buffoonery? by James Bovard National service is the latest fashionable panacea for all that ails America. Time magazine ran a July cover story, “How Service Can Save Us,” on the potential benefits of pressing all young people […]
Broader View of my 1990 Office Chaos
There is the NSFW acronym. Is there a snappy equivalent for NSFNYT — Not Suitable for the New York Times? Following up on yesterday’s post on the New York Times “Writer’s Rooms” pictorial – here’s a broader take on my 1990 office. (Thanks for the nudge, Tom Blanton). Joyce Carol Oates would definitely not have been […]
New York Times’ Perverse Perspective on Writers’ Rooms
The New York Times has an unintentionally hilarious series of photos of “The Writer’s Room” – the personal spaces where five authors write their books. Joyce Carol Oates (pictured at left) sez: “Like all writers, I have made my writing room a sanctuary of the soul.” Geez. None of these folks seem to […]
FBI Warning Omits Season’s Biggest Predators
The FBI issued a Valentine’s Day themed-press release warning of the danger of online dating scams: “Millions of Americans visit online dating websites every year hoping to find a companion or even a soulmate. But as Valentine’s Day gets closer, we want to warn you that criminals use these sites, too, looking to turn the lonely and […]
How Many Howlers Will Obama Tell In State Of Union Speech Tonight?
Is anyone else having trouble distinguishing today’s two most popular acronyms – SOTU & STFU? When people ask why I watch Obama speeches, I shrug and admit that that is part of the terms of my parole. What will Obama’s biggest howlers be tonight? I am expecting a burst of candor as much as I […]
Obama’s NSA Reform Malarkey Nailed by Ted Rall
s “From this room to that room” is about the kindest thing that can be said about Obama’s proposed spying safeguards. The “Department of Public Trust” was a nice touch by Ted Rall. Lots of excellent articles around the Internet debunking Obama’s Friday speech on NSA reform – almost too many to count, actually. I […]