Tag Archives | Bush

Happy “Mission Accomplished” Anniversary

Today (May 1) is the fourth anniversary of one of the most dishonest propaganda speeches in modern American history. President Bush did his flight suit strut on the deck of the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln in front of a banner proclaiming “Mission Accomplished.” Bush proclaimed, “With new tactics and precision weapons, we can achieve military objectives […]

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How the Sniveling Media Paved the Road to War

Bill Moyers Journal on PBS tonight had a great program on how media groveling to Bush administration falsehoods and absurdities helped lead to the Iraq war. The program focused on the villains and bootlickers in the press.  It also contained interviews with some of the courageous reporters – such as Warren Stroebel and Jonathan Landay of Knight […]

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The Martial Law Act of 2007

Congress rubberstamped martial law. The American Conservative posted online my article on how Congress rolled out the red carpet for martial law.  This piece vivifies how neither party in Washington  gives a darn about the risks of dictatorship in America. American Conservative   April 23, 2007 Working for the Clampdown What might the president do with his new […]

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Antiwar.com Radio/ Scott Horton Interview Now Online

Scott Horton and I had a rattling good chat today about some of the latest connivings in Washington.  This latest Antiwar.com Radio production is online here. Here’s Scott’s summary of the show from Antiwar.com Blog today – James Bovard discusses the U.S. attorney scandal, his hopes that more criminal activity will be revealed when Gonzales is […]

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Goyette Interview Now Online

The interview with Charles Goyette from Friday is now online here in MP3 format. We had a good ol’ time –  I hope listeners will get some laughs from the show.   Charles is one of the best informed talk show hosts on Bush scandals – it was good to hear his views on how some of […]

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