Tag Archives | Bush

Lies & Leviathan: How Government Cons People Into Submission

The fine folks at the Future of Freedom Foundation posted a piece of mine on how government cons people into submission. The timing is a bit unfortunate, since the 2006 election campaign disproved my assertion that politics is perennially dishonest.   Lies and Leviathan by James Bovard  Freedom Daily August 2006 Big government requires big lies — and […]

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“Every Day is 1956”: The Hungarian Revolution Today

The Future of Freedom Foundation is shotgunning out an op-ed I wrote on the Hungarian Revolution, then and now.  Here’s the piece. “Every Day is 1956:” The Hungarian Revolution Today by James Bovard Friends of freedom should doff their hats to the Hungarians this week. Fifty years ago, the Hungarian people bravely expelled Soviet tanks […]

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Great Cartoon Bashing NSA Wiretaps on Americans

Newsday’s Walt Handelsman, aided by Roy Furchgott, has a wonderful animated cartoon featuring singing spies.  The cartoon is here. This makes the National Security Agency wiretap issue so simple even a congressman might be able to get the point.  Perhaps congressmen will respond by merely adding an amendment to a “spying legalization” bill to prohibit the feds […]

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Bush’s Operation Founding Fathers Fraud

Operation Founding Fathers   by James Bovard FREEDOM DAILY July 2006 (posted online by Future of Freedom Foundation October 13, 2006) Few subjects generate more official lies than the U.S. government’s devotion to spreading democracy abroad. Iraq has been the largest most recent geyser of such deceits. In order to understand future U.S. government messianic democracy […]

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Cartoon Freedom Fighters

Politics & Prose Bookstore in DC had a book event tonight for Attitude 3 – a collection of the work of “the New Subversive Online Cartoonists.”  The book, edited with questions and commentary throughout by Ted Rall, features the work of people more than happy to expose the lies and crimes of the Bush regime. Many […]

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