Tag Archives | Bush

Bush’s Signing Statement Dictatorship

The fine folks at Future of Freedom Foundation posted today a piece I did on Bush’s endless nullifications of federal law. The longer he reigns, the more difficult it is to give Bush the benefit of the doubt. Bush’s Signing Statement Dictatorship by James Bovard, October 9, 2006 President Bush has once again decreed that […]

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Foley the One-Handed Warrior

ABC News revealed this afternoon that Foley was engaging in “Internet sex” with a teenage boy while Foley was voting for the Bush administration’s Emergency Wartime Supplemental Appropriation in 2003.   ABC reports: This message was dated April 2003, at approximately 7 p.m., … Maf54 [FOLEY]: I miss you Teen:   ya me too Maf54: we are still […]

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Congresswoman Helen Chenoweth, R.I.P.

Former congresswoman Helen Chenoweth died yesterday in a Nevada car crash. She was one of the most courageous members of Congress in the mid-late 1990s.  She  fought harder than any Idaho senator to find out the truth about the federal killings at Ruby Ridge, Idaho.  While Sen. Larry Craig was wishy-washy, hemming and hawing, Chenoweth was unflinching.  Obituaries mention that […]

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Happy Dictatorship Day

The prize for the headline of the year goes to today’s Washington Post for the following gem: “Many Rights in U.S. Legal System Absent in New Bill” The Post article on the military tribunal bill the Senates passed yesterday  details some of the legal and procedural rights that people seized as “enemy combatants” will not […]

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The United States of Barbarism

The Future of Freedom Foundation is shotgunning out today an oped I wrote on the torture deal.   FFF is one of the few places that has remained true to its principles since 9/11.  FFF chief Jacob Hornberger refused to compromise or kowtow no matter how high Bush’s approval ratings rose.  The United States of Barbarism by James Bovard, […]

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