Tag Archives | Bush

Lies and Leviathan

The new issue of the American Conservative includes a review essay I wrote on John Mearsheimer’s Why Leaders Lie. Here’s the piece – Leviathan’s Lies Review of Why Leaders Lie: The Truth About Lying in International Politics, John J. Mearsheimer, Oxford University Press, 2011. By James Bovard Politicians nowadays treat Americans like medical orderlies treat […]

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Idolizing Absolute Power: Assassination Bloodlust

From today’s Counterpunch – Assassination Bloodlust Idolizing Absolute Power by JAMES BOVARD The Christian Science Monitor published a piece I wrote last month wrote opposing allowing the U.S. government to kill Americans without a warrant, trial, or any judicial niceties. The article, “Assassination Nation: Are there any limits on President Obama’s license to kill?,” spurred […]

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Wall Street Journal: Food Stamps for Millionaires

Wall Street Journal June 23, 2011 The Food-Stamp Crime Wave By JAMES BOVARD Millionaires are now legally entitled to collect food stamps as long as they have little or no monthly income. Thirty-five states have abolished asset tests for most food-stamp recipients. These and similar “paperwork reduction” reforms advocated by the United States Department of […]

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Fear-mongering and Servitude

from the July-August issue of the Freeman – Fear-Mongering and Servitude by James Bovard In his 1776 essay, “Thoughts on Government,” John Adams observed, “Fear is the foundation of most governments; but it is so sordid and brutal a passion, and renders men in whose breasts it predominates so stupid and miserable, that Americans will […]

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Bush, Torture, and the Rule of Law

from the March issue of Freedom Daily…. Bush, Torture, and the Rule of Law by James Bovard Last November, George W. Bush’s memoir, Decision Points, hit the streets. And Americans could see firsthand the former president bragging about ordering torture. Bush wrote that when he was requested to approve the CIA’s waterboarding of Khalid Sheikh […]

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Barron’s: The Anti-Corruption Charade (full text)

Barron’s, June 6, 2011 The Anti-Corruption Charade by James Bovard In much of the world, governing is a synonym for looting. Unfortunately, American and European foreign aid has a long history of accelerating the looting. Foreign aid created a generation of kleptocracies—governments of thieves—in Africa in the 1970s and 1980s. Mercedes-Benz automobiles became so popular […]

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