Tag Archives | CIA


The Deep State’s Demolition of Democracy

The Deep State’s Demolition of Democracy by James Bovard March 26, 2020 “Thank God for the Deep State,” declared former acting CIA chief John McLaughlin while appearing on a panel at the National Press Club last October. In 2018, the New York Times asserted that Trump’s use of the term “Deep State” and similar rhetoric […]

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Syria Debacles Epitomize Perpetual Perfidy of U.S. Foreign Policy

Counterpunch, March 6, 2020 Syria Debacles Epitomize Perpetual Perfidy of U.S. Foreign Policy by James Bovard Turkey is ratcheting up its invasion of Syria and trying to drag NATO into Erdogan’s personal rehabilitation scheme. Threats and counter-threats are flying as thickly as the bombs and bullets. It remains to be seen whether U.S. policymakers will […]

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Census Bureau and Facebook Partnering to Censor the Internet

American Conservative, March 3, 2020 The Census and Facebook: Working Hand-in-Glove to Censor the Internet by James Bovard The same agency that once helped the Army round up Japanese Americans has now achieved protected status on social media.   America’s social media giants are rallying behind the 2020 Census. Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg recently assured […]

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U.S. Foreign Policy Perpetual Perfidy

U.S. Foreign Policy Perpetual Perfidy by James Bovard February 24, 2020 The Washington establishment was aghast in October when Donald Trump appeared to approve a Turkish invasion of northern Syria. The United States was seen as abandoning the Kurds, some of whom had assisted the United States in the fight against ISIS and other terrorist groups. […]

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USA TODAY: Another FBI FISA Fiasco Proves Need for Radical Reform

usatoday.com, December 10, 2019 Inspector General report on FBI’s FISA abuse tells us one thing: We need radical reform. by James Bovard In a bombshell report yesterday, the Justice Department Inspector General found that the Federal Bureau of Investigation made “fundamental errors” and persistently deceived a secret court to authorize surveilling a 2016 Trump presidential […]

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USA TODAY: No Deep State Deliverance for Democracy

USA TODAY, November 13, 2019 As the deep state attacks Trump to rave media reviews, don’t forget its dark side The deep state has a long history of betraying the trust of the American people. They aren’t our friends just because we share an enemy in common. by James Bovard “Thank God for the deep […]

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Beltway BS on “Speaking Truth to Power”

Future of Freedom Foundation Beltway Baloney on “Speaking Truth to Power” by James Bovard Lying and piety go together in Washington like ham and eggs. After 9/11, a profusion of government falsehoods on Iraq and other topics ravaged official credibility. The political class responded with an endless profusion of promises to “speak truth to power.” […]

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