Tag Archives | Civil War


Biden’s Blather and American Democracy Gone Awry

Biden’s Blather and American Democracy Gone Awry by James Bovard, July 23, 2024 Since late 2020, President Joe Biden has invoked “the will of the people” dozens of times to sanctify his power, including arbitrary decrees that were illegal or unconstitutional. Biden’s invocations did not prevent his re-election campaign from being terminated behind closed doors […]

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Nikki Haley, Authoritarian-in-Waiting

American Conservative, January 31, 2024 Nikki Haley, Authoritarian-in-Waiting by James Bovard New advertisements from the Nikki Haley presidential campaign are touting the former South Carolina governor as the “better choice” for America. In a season in which the Biden re-election campaign is openly comparing Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler, Haley is increasingly portrayed as someone […]

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Ambrose Bierce’s Pro-Freedom Cynicism

Ambrose Bierce’s Pro-Freedom Cynicism by James Bovard The friends of freedom must recognize the verbal charades that sway people to surrender their rights and liberties. The political establishment and its media allies are continually abusing the English language to lull people into submission. From pupils being required to recite the Pledge of Allegiance at the […]

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Will Treason Mania Destroy America?

Will Treason Mania Destroy America? by James Bovard At the start of the Biden era, America is being torn apart by more allegations of treason than at any time since the Civil War. Historian Henry Adams observed a century ago that politics “has always been the systematic organization of hatreds.” And few things spur hatred […]

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Screenshot_2021-04-06 Tyranny Unmasked - Google Books

200th Anniversary of a Great American Demolition of Tyranny

Here’s my tribute to one of the best and least appreciated classics of American political thought. Here is a link to a free version of the original printing from 1822. https://www.google.com/books/edition/Tyranny_Unmasked/HhHVAAAAMAAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&printsec=frontcover 200th Anniversary of a Great American Demolition of Tyranny by James Bovard This is the 200th anniversary of the publication of one of the […]

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A Halo for the Civil War is Hogwash

Libertarian Institute, July 16, 2020 A Halo for the Civil War is Hogwash by James Bovard “If the people who started wars didn’t make them sacred, who would be foolish enough to fight?” said Rhett Butler, the savvy anti-hero in Gone with the Wind. Politicians, activist historians, and social justice warriors have awarded the American […]

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Thoreau and Emerson Helped Spark the Civil War

American Conservative, July 9, 2020 19th Century Radical Chic: How Transcendentalists’ Swooned Over John Brown Thoreau and Emerson’s effort to canonize the abolitionist fanatic helped spark the Civil War.  by  Jim Bovard Many Americans have been aghast at violent mobs toppling statues and the widespread looting and destructive rampages that followed the killing of George […]

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