Tag Archives | Congress


My July 4 Satire on Congress – New York Times

July 4th is my Independence Day, regardless of how depraved the government has become. Forty-two years ago, the New York Times printed a satire I wrote on the failure of the All-Volunteer Congress.  Some congressmen wanted to revive the military draft in order to have a higher quality army.  I showed that the same argument could […]

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Bogus January 6 Commission Poses a Real Threat to Freedom

Mises Institute, May 25, 2021 The Bogus January 6 Commission Poses a Real Threat to Freedom by James Bovard “Truth will out” is the most popular fairy tale in Washington. Members of Congress are clashing over whether politicians will appoint an “independent” commission to reveal the facts behind the January 6 Capitol ruckus. Proponents are […]

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The Coming IRS Reign of Terror

Daily Caller, May 6, 2021 BOVARD: The Coming IRS Reign Of Terror James Bovard Contributor The power to tax has long conferred the power to destroy political opponents. But in the glorious era of President Joe Biden, all previous cases of government abuse of power are being expunged, at least by the media and Biden […]

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Congress Is Still Unfit to Govern

Congress Is Still Unfit to Govern by James Bovard “In politics, stupidity is not a handicap,” Napoleon is reputed to have said more than two centuries ago. Boundless ignorance is also not a handicap, as Congress demonstrated last December by approving a 5593-page bill without reading it. Plenty of activists and editorial pages howled over […]

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FISA and the Still Too Secret Police

American Conservative, April 30, 2021 FISA and the Still Too Secret Police The FBI continues to lawlessly use counterintelligence powers against American citizens. by James Bovard The Deep State Referee just admitted that the FBI continues to commit uncounted violations of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (FISA). If you sought to report a […]

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Biden Re-Ignites the Waco Fire

UPDATED:  Here’s my riff on Waco and Biden from my Saturday speech to the Maryland Libertarian Party convention.  Great audience, great banter – a joy to talk to folks who understand the depravity of what the feds did at Waco.  Click here to listen or download American Conservative, April 13, 2021 Biden Re-Ignites the Waco […]

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H.R. 1 and Herd Count Democracy

American Conservative, March 20, 2021 H.R. 1 and Herd Count Democracy Democrats’ attempt to canonize 2020 election procedures makes a mockery of democracy. by  James Bovard Is it a federal civil rights violation if citizens have to get off their butts in order to cast their votes? Democrats are pushing a national election “reform” bill […]

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