Tag Archives | coverup


My Wash. Times Op-Ed: Obama’s War on Watchdogs

Washington Times, May 2, 2014 Obama’s War on Watchdogs by James Bovard A Senate report last week revealed that the Obama administration utterly debilitated the inspector general for the Homeland Security Department. Charles Edwards, the acting IG from early 2011 till last December, toadied to Obama appointees at every opportunity — stifling reports, deleting damning […]

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Obama’s Torture Coverup Unraveling?

Since his first months in office, Obama has spared almost no effort to cover-up the torture atrocities committed during the George W. Bush presidency. But it may no longer be possible to sweep the corpses and the manacles under the rug. (I wrote about Obama’s early torture coverups here, here, here, here, here, here, etc.)  […]

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